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During your time at university you may find yourself facing disciplinary proceedings. This guide is the basics of what to expect, but it is not exhaustive or definitive. If you have any questions please contact the Student Voice Team to discuss further.
As a student at Bangor University, you should not undertake any actions which would damage the reputation of the University. It is important that you understand your rights and responsibilities as a student at Bangor University. For further information, click here.
Occasionally some students find themselves in the position of having breached University Regulations, resulting in a complaint about their conduct. If you face allegations regarding your conduct, the University may instigate an investigation under Regulation 21.
The Student Voice Team can offer you confidential non-judgemental guidance and advice on your situation. It is important that you understand what the allegation is against you and also that you engage with your opportunity to respond. The Student Voice team can advise you on what will happen next, the procedures which regulate how the University should investigate different types of misconduct and help you prepare your response to an allegation.
If youโre accused of a disciplinary offence you will receive a letter from the University detailing the allegations and what will happen next. In the majority of cases, you will be invited to attend a Disciplinary Hearing where your case will be considered by a panel. This is an opportunity for you to have your say and explain what has happened. The committee will be considering information and evidence provided by you and any other relevant parties. Theyโll then make a decision as to whether the charge against you is upheld, and apply penalties if appropriate.
The Student Voice Team can
1. Help you to understand the procedure and what to expect from the Disciplinary Hearing
2. Assist you in putting together a written statement before you submit
3. Advise on what supporting documentation you will need
4. Spend time with you before your hearing to ensure youโre well prepared and able to answer questions you may be asked
5. Accompany you to any meetings or committees related to your misconduct.
6. Discuss your outcome and explain any consequences. If you wish to appeal the outcome then we can also assist you with this.
We understand that being invited to a disciplinary hearing can be daunting. If you are called such a hearing, we recommend that you contact the Student Voice Team as soon as possible.
Bangor University Students' Union (Charity number: 1177930).
It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (Company number 11295063), whose registered office is at 4th Floor Pontio, Deiniol Road, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2TQ
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