Canine Calming + Samaritans Listening Dogs

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Canine Calming + Samaritans Listening Dogs

The 10th of October is World Mental Health Day! Take a break from your studies and pop into the Students' Union to pet some dogs, and grab some free tea & coffee! | Mae'r 10fed o Hydref yn Ddiwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd! Cymerwch seibiant o'ch astudiaethau a galwch i mewn i Undeb y Myfyrwyr i anwesu cลตn, a chael te a choffi am ddim!


Venue : Undeb Bangor , 4th Floor, PONTIO

Type: Other

Start Date: Tuesday 10-10-2023 - 13:00

End date: Tuesday 10-10-2023 - 15:00

Capacity: 1000000