Writing an election manifesto needn’t be something to tear your hair out about. Essentially, your manifesto should state what you would plan to do in your time in office, and what changes you would make. Remember, it isn’t an excuse to bad mouth your opposition, or make unrealistic promises. Before writing it, think about what you believe you can achieve and what the voters would respond to.
Some top tips for writing your manifesto;
- Be concise and use clear language. Avoid long, complicated words–you won’t win awards for being clever and you might just alienate important voters.
- Think carefully about layout and remember that the finished manifesto will be bilingual. Try to design it bilingually from the start.
- Set out your goals for your time in office and ensure they are realistic & achievable.
- Your manifesto is about you and not about your opponents. Avoid discrediting and disrespecting others as it is not professional and ultimately it could lead to a rule breach!
- Be relevant. Think about what is needed for the role and focus on that. Instances where you have shown leadership, tenacity, and tact would indicate to voters your suitability for the role.
- Stick to the word limit (350 word limit). They are the rules, and, after all, voters will want to read what you have to say. Think carefully about how to get your main points across.
- Be creative and inspiring, just remember to stay within the rules. If you're unsure, always ask.