14:05 -14:50

Managing Risk, Planning and managing events. 

A session covering how to put together risk assessments, identify hazards and manage risks to that you can understand your responsibilities and safely run your activities and events. We'll also cover best practices on planning and managing events, giving you the tools be the most organised you can be! 

Presenter: Rob Samuel – Membership Development Manager 

Location: PL5, Pontio. 

Target Audience: Captain, Chair, Project Leader, Secretary, Events and Fundraising related positions. 


Social media- How to get your members engaged? 

Presenter: Charlie Jones – Communications and Marketing Lead. 

Location: PL2, Pontio. 

Target Audience: Captain, Chair, Project leader, Treasurer, Inclusivity and Wellbeing officer, social media related positions. 


How to use the website. 

Please bring your laptops, this is a question-and-answer session on how to use your web pages. We will go through how you edit your pages, send group emails and how to create events. Please prepare any questions and bring these to this session. This will be an interactive session.  

Presenter: Adam Bardsley - (ADD ROLE) and Ffion Hughes – Website & Digital Content Coordinator. 

Location: ROR, Pontio. 

Target Audience: Secretary, Captain, Chair, Project Leader, relevant Publicity Officer.