
Have radar keys available for disabled students to take so they can access all accessible toilets.

yn รดl Dienw 05 Tachwedd 2024, 16:07

Categori: Accomodation

Cliciwch i hoffi
0 Cliciwch i beidio รข hoffi

In a few establishments around Bangor, some of which are University, have accessible toilets that require a radar key to open. Many disabled people don't have radar keys and therefore cannot access the toilets without having to ask staff, which can be embarassing for some. I propose that the students union should have a supply of radar keys to give to students upon request so that they don't have to worry about whether or not they'll have access to a bathroom anywhere in Bangor.


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    Zachary Praetzel   ysgrifennodd, 06-11-2024 - 11:17

    Highly agree as buying radar keys as an individual is a cost not many can afford to spare. Having an accessible toilet shouldn't be a luxury!

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