Eich Undeb
Gwybodaeth Gyffredinol
Swyddogion Sabothol
Cymerwch Ran!
Hwb Gwirfoddoli
Llais Myfyrwyr
Cynrychiolwyr Cwrs
Student Forum
Cyngor A Chefnogaeth
- Ymgyrchoedd
- Etholiadau
Our service supports young carers between the age of 8 - 18years. Young carers are children and young people who have caring responsibilities for a family member who has a long-term illness, a disability, or suffers with mental illness or substance misuse.
Caring has a massive impact on the young carerโs health and wellbeing, social opportunities, and education. As part our service, we offer group activities, trips, wellbeing programmes, and grant opportunities. To ensure our young carers are getting the best out of the service, and that their support needs are meeting met, we complete individual reviews in the middle and at the end of their service. A young carers review takes approx. 30 minutes to complete.
We are looking for volunteers who are passionate about improving the lives of children and young people, and would be able to spare a few hours a months completing reviews, either via Microsoft Teams or via telephone.
We are looking for volunteers who are passionate about improving the lives of children and young people, and would be able to spare a few hours a months completing reviews, or supporting our young carers groups.
To ensure our young carers are getting the best out of the service, and that their support needs are meeting met, we complete individual reviews in the middle and at the end of their service. Each review takes approx. 30 minutes to complete and can be completed via Microsoft forms, telephone, or at school.
We also run social groups, which allow young carers to have well deserved respite and meet others who have similar responsibilites at home. There is opportunity to support in the facilitation of these groups. .
Minimum commitment level: Once a month
Dyddiad cychwyn: 11-04-2024