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Well-being Buddies is a peer-peer support scheme, whereby volunteers support other students facing difficulties and are paired with students with similar interestes. Volunteers are not there, however, to provide therapy or mental health advice to students.
Wellbeing buddies is a peer-peer support scheme, whereby volunteers support other students facing difficulties and are paired with students with similar interests.
Volunteers are not required to provide mental health support or advice to students and are there to engage in conversation on topics that interest them.
Where possible, students will be paired with volunteers who have similar interests. It is entirely up to buddy pairings when and where they would like to meet and chat- they could meet remotely over Teams or Zoom, in a local cafe, on campus or on a walk outside.
PLEASE ONLY SIGN UP IF YOU WANT TO VOLUNTEER. If you would like to have a Wellbeing Buddy please email us at wellbeingbuddies@undebbangor.com
Minimum commitment level: Once a week
Dyddiad cychwyn: 17-09-2024