Eich Undeb
Gwybodaeth Gyffredinol
Swyddogion Sabothol
Cymerwch Ran!
Hwb Gwirfoddoli
Llais Myfyrwyr
Cynrychiolwyr Cwrs
Student Forum
Cyngor A Chefnogaeth
- Ymgyrchoedd
- Etholiadau
Green Impact is a United Nations award-winning programme designed to support environmentally and socially sustainable practices in Students Unions across the UK
Green impact include a toolkit for Students Unions to use as a framework for improvment and help to create positive changes.
The award focuses on both environmental and social sustainability and is contiually updateed to ensure the most up to date and productive guidelines and provided.
Participating in the green imapct supports Undeb Bangor in making meaningful connections with other institutions and organisations, allowing us to collaborate and work together to make postivie changes for a more sustainable future.
How do Undeb Bangor fair?