Eich Undeb
Gwybodaeth Gyffredinol
Swyddogion Sabothol
Cymerwch Ran!
Hwb Gwirfoddoli
Llais Myfyrwyr
Cynrychiolwyr Cwrs
Student Forum
Cyngor A Chefnogaeth
- Ymgyrchoedd
- Etholiadau
Your ideas;
At Undeb Bangor, we are proud to be student led!! As students, you shape our work and provide great ideas which we can get set up.
If you have a sustainable idea, we would love to hear from you. Please email our Volunteering and Community Coordinator who can work with you to develop a plan.
In the past we have had some brilliant ideas from students which we have then turned into events or projects. Some great examples include the Healing Gardens, a student-led project to manage a local garden. Submit any ideas via the following link:
If you don't have an idea and simply want to get involed in any of our envrionmentally orientated societies and volunteering projects, please email opportunities@undebbangor.com. Head over to our Sustainability Opportunities page to check them out!